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My research explores intersections of law, medicine, science, and technology in criminal justice responses to sexual violence and the influence of anti-violence movements on sexual assault policy, law, and institutional practice. 


Quinlan, A. (2017). The technoscientific witness of rape: Contentious histories of law, feminism, and forensic science. University of Toronto Press.

Quinlan, E., Quinlan, A., Fogel, C., & Taylor, G. (Eds.). (2017). Sexual violence at Canadian universities: Activism, institutional responses, and strategies for change. Wilfrid Laurier University Press. 

Fogel, C., & Quinlan, A. (2023). Sexual assault in Canadian sport. University of British Columbia Press. 

Selected Articles

Quinlan, A. (2021). The rape kit’s promise: Techno-optimism in the fight against the Backlog. Science as Culture, 30(3), 440-464.


Fogel, C., & Quinlan, A. (2021). Sexual assault in the locker room: Sexually violent hazing in Canadian sport. Journal of Sexual Aggression, 27(3), 353-372.

Quinlan, A., & Singh, R. (2020). COVID-19 and the paradox of visibility: Domestic violence and feminist caring labour in Canadian shelters. Feminist Studies, 46(3), 572-582.

Smele, S., Quinlan, A., & Fogel, C. (2019). Sexual Assault Policing and Justice for People with Developmental Disabilities. Violence & Victims, 34(5), 818-837.

Quinlan, A. (2019). Visions of Public Safety, Justice and Healing: The Making of the Rape Kit Backlog in the United States. Social & Legal Studies, 29(2), 225-245.

Quinlan, A., & Smele, S. (2017). The ‘problem’ of abuse in Ontario’s Social Inclusion Act: A critical exploration. Critical Social Policy, 37(1), 85-104.

Quinlan, A. (2016). Suspect survivors: Police investigation practices in sexual assault cases in Ontario, Canada. Women & Criminal Justice, 26(4), 301-318.

Quinlan, A. (2015). Technoscience and affected bodies. International Journal of Gender, Science, and Technology, 6(3), 330-345.

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